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GoodLuckKendall! My name is Kendall. I am in 9th grade. This is the page I use to write my blogs in my english class. Feel free to read any of my blog post and comment!

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More Women in Top Jobs

Words GENDER EQUALITY zentangle styled with clean lines

Gender diversity is a big problem that takes place everywhere. It is known that men are more likely to be hired at top jobs than women. “According to a 2014 survey on gender diversity, companies that have equal numbers of men and women in high-level positions see their profits rise. However, the survey found, the vast majority of these top jobs are occupied by men”. In that it states that companies work better when the positions are even between women and men but, companies aren’t giving women the opportunity. There are many benefits to having balanced genders in leadership. “Companies with more balanced leadership also do a better job of holding on to talented workers… these companies tend to make better business decisions”. From all of that you get that balancing genders in jobs is important for everyone involved in the company, including the company itself.

Having women in top jobs is important to keep both workers and customers happy. “These companies also have stronger customer relations because they better reflect the diversity of society.” This builds a better relationship with the customers because it broadens the variety of viewpoints which tends to make better business decisions.

Experts think that it is hard to hire men and women equally since women are the caretakers. “The average workplace requires employees to be at the office during certain hours. But many women are the primary caretakers of their children. That makes it difficult to match those hours exactly.” If that were really the main problem they would dig deeper to solve the problem. They could schedule women throughout the day and men at night, so the women could come home to their children. If the situation wasn’t that simple then they could sort out a plan with flexible hours that could work for both the boss and the workers schedule.

In conclusion, I think that all jobs should have equal genders in charge. It benefits not only the company but also the workers and customers. It also gives hope that maybe in the future women won’t have to fight so hard to get equal rights.

Theme of “The Gift of Magi”

About the Story

“The Gift of Magi” is a short story written by O. Henry. The story takes place around Christmas time and follows the main character Della and her husband Jim. Della realized she did not have enough money to buy her husband Jim a Christmas present which is when the conflict began. After a lot of thought, Della decided to sell her most prized possession to get the money in order to afford a meaningful Christmas present for her husband. Little did she know, her husband was having the same problem and concluded on the same resolution. They both ended up selling the thing that meant the most to them, which later messed up the gift giving. Della and Jim both got gifts for each other that were meant for the things they sold for each other. For example, Jim bought a comb for Della’s glorious hair that she sold in order to buy him a chain for his watch which he sold for her gift. Now that you know what the short story was about, let’s talk about the theme.

The Theme

The theme I came up with for “The Gift of Magi” by O. Henry is generosity. In “The Gift of the Magi”, the author uses conflict to show how generosity can prove one’s love to another person.

Evidence Supporting my Thematic Statement

Della desperately wanted to afford a special present for Jim, “…I had my hair cut off and sold it. I couldn’t live through Christmas without giving you a gift.” (Henry 4). Della was afraid Jim would lose his love for her since she sold her hair in order to purchase his present. Though Jim was shocked when he found out, he didn’t love her any less, “Nothing like a haircut could make me love you any less.” (Henry 5). When they both opened their present from each other, they were shocked to find out that the gifts were for the items they ended up selling for each other. When Della opened her gift from Jim there laid a beautiful comb, ” For there lay The Combs—the combs that Della had seen in a shop window and loved for a long time. Beautiful combs, with jewels, perfect for her beautiful hair.” (Henry 5). Lastly, when Della showed Jim his present that would go with his watch he explained that he sold the watch for her comb, ” I sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs.” (Henry 6).

What would you do?

I made a Google Form asking what you would do if you were in Della’s shoes. For example, would you sell your most prized possession in order to be able to afford a gift for your loved one?

Find it here.

Election: Trump vs. Biden

Election 2020

This Election has been talked about since Donald Trump was elected. In this blog I’m going to express who I think will win this year’s election. The main two runners for this year’s election is president Donald Trump and former vice president, Joe Biden. Let’s look at some facts.

Who do I think will win the 2020 election?

Based on everything I’ve seen over the past few days, I think Joe Biden will win the 2020 election. The first thing that comes to mind, backing up why I think Joe Biden will win, is the app Tiktok. Gen Z has been blowing up Tiktok with the hashtag #VoteBlue2020. You can find some videos with the #VoteBlue2020 hashtag here.

More evidence supporting why I think Joe Biden will win this year’s election was found in an article on In the article it states that Joe Biden has been and is still ahead of Donald Trump in the polls thus far. “Biden’s national lead, as of early Monday morning, is at a healthy 7.2 points, it is still roughly the same as it was 10 days prior.”(Bill Scher, Polls are not over until tomorrow, November 3, 2020. This is a good piece of evidence that could be used when discussing the 2020 election so far. Trump’s numbers have been decreasing after all the major complications that have happened in 2020 so far. “The discrepancy between his poll numbers and economic numbers strongly suggests that most Americans have been so repulsed by his divisive, self serving and just plain mean behavior says the article…They just want him gone.”(Bill Scher, He responses to the Black Lives Matter movement and the COVID-19 outbreak made his supporters and other around the world reconsider their vote for this year’s election.

Polls (Day After the Election)

Knowing that election day was yesterday, as it is November 4, 2020 at the moment. I am going to include the poll results so far as part of my evidence. Polls reports right now (November 4, 2020; 10:43am) have Joe Biden in the lead by 25 electoral votes. Leaving Biden with 238 electoral votes, and Donald Trump with 213 electoral votes. For Joe Biden to officially win the election he would have to gain Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan. Which would leave Biden with 270 electoral votes.”Arizona appears to be trending toward Biden, which means the Democrat party would have to win two of the three so-called 2016 “blue wall” states says the article, including – Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania – to successfully secure victory.”(Anthony Zurcher, Giving Trump Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alaska. Which would only leave him with 267 electoral votes. Leaving him to need 3 more electoral votes since you need 270 electoral votes to win the election.

My Opinion on who I Want to Win

Personally, I don’t agree with anything that Trump has done. I think he is a danger to not only the LGBTQ+, people of color, and women, but for America as a whole. I believe Trump has turned us against each other. New York, California, and Washington have had to board up stores and buildings because they fear how people will react based on the election results. This is one of the first times that I have seen that happen during an election. None of the happened during any of Obama’s elections. I think Biden should win the 2020 election. I think Biden is the best option America has at the moment. I think that all the groups of people Trump has targeted as in LGBTQ+, people of color, women, and immigrants will feel so much safer. As well as Americans in general.

Please stay safe during this election!

Is hunting good or bad for the environment?

Hunting is a big part in the short story “The Most Dangerous Game”. The story takes place on an island called ‘Ship Trap’. On the island lives General Zaroff who lives for hunting. General has been hunting for so long that hunting has began to bore him, until he found a new way of hunting that beyond excites him. With saying that the short story is revolved around hunting. In this blog i’m going to relate an article I read about whether hunting is good or bad for the environment to hunting that took place in “The Most Dangerous Game”.

Information from the article

In the article, “Does Hunting Help or Hurt the Environment?” it talks about how depending on who you ask about hunting will change the different responses you get. Some people may say they see hunting as a natural way to reduce the herds of prey animals. Other people may say they see hunting as barbaric and that it is morally wrong to kill animals.

Some actions taken during the debate

Along with that subject many authors wrote books about hunting, discussing what is the ‘wrong and right’ way to hunt. One example of that is “In Nature’s Interests” by Gary E. Varner, it talks about some types of hunting may be morally justifiable and the others that may not be.

How has opinions changed over the years

Over the past years hunting has became more open and ‘accepted’. 80% of people agreed that “hunting has a legitimate place in modern society,” and the other percent of people who disapprove of hunting declined from 22% in 1995 to 16% in 2007.

My opinion

I believe that hunting is not okay. I think that hunting is breaking into animals own habitat where they feel safe. I think that is cruel to kill animals when they haven’t done anything harmful. Even if the animals were being cruel that would make a person want to harm them I don’t think that any animal or person should be put to death when they are being misunderstood.

Becoming comfortable in your own space

Learning to be comfortable in your own space can be very important. This can include your room, apartment, house, etc. Having a space that doesn’t match your ‘aesthetic’, that is filled with unnecessary clutter, or just plain messy can effect you more than you think it does. Having a space you’re comfortable in can help you focus more, create less stress, and overall make you more happy and peaceful. Here are ways that can help you become and stay comfortable in your space.

1. Finding YOUR aesthetic

Finding your aesthetic can be very important when trying to find what makes you happy. Aesthetics help you better understand what style you are most attracted too. Such as (Boho, Indie, Luxury, Minimalistic, Etc). Filling your space with items and furniture that fit your aesthetic can help better relax you and make you more positive

2. Decluttering

Having a space packed with unnecessary items can tend to be stressful. It makes it harder to find what you need, and overall just makes the space look messy. Decluttering is getting rid of items that don’t make you happy or simply getting rid of things you know you don’t need. Decluttering makes your space look cleaner, makes it easier for you to navigate around, and takes unneeded stress off your day to day life.

3. Rearranging

If you feel crowded and uncomfortable in your space try rearranging your furniture and decorations. Rearranging can help open up your space in ways that it can be more effective. Or you can rearrange you space when you get bored of it. It can be a good change that keeps you happy with your space.


4. Organizing

Organizing the items in your space is very helpful! Knowing where every item you have when you need it is very efficient. Whether it’s by color, function, etc. Organizing makes situations less stress when you need to find something whether you’re in a rush or not. It also helps your space look more put together and clean, which makes your space more relaxing to stay in.



Following all the steps above can lead you to your dream space. Whether it’s your desk, bedroom, apartment, house, etc. This makes sure that your space matches your personality. Making sure that your space represents who you are is very important when trying to relax. This also makes sure that your space is clean, spacious, and organized. This can decrease stress, make you more productive, and overall make you happier.

Things i’ve learned from ‘The Scarlet Ibis’

‘The Scarlet Ibis’ is a really heartbreaking story that has many important themes. Some of the themes that I found in ‘The Scarlet Ibis’ is that love for someone are greater than their appearance, and one doesn’t realize what they have till it’s gone.

The Themes of ‘The Scarlet Ibis’

The first theme i’m going to talk about is love for someone are greater than their appearance. In the story Brother wasn’t too happy that his brother, Doodle wasn’t ‘normal’ or that he had problems doing simple things that others could do. So in result he and Doodle made a plan to teach Doodle how to do active things, that Doodle was told he couldn’t do by doctors he went to go visit. Brother and Doodle ended up getting really close from spending so much time with each other. Towards the end Brother and Doodle went through some hard times and Brother didn’t accomplish their goal of getting Doodle to be his ‘dream brother’. Which made Brother angry and led him to leaving Doodle alone while walking home after them practicing, where Doodle died alone. Brother was so regretful and broken that he didn’t accept Doodle for who he was. Which leads me to the second theme, one doesn’t realize what they have till it’s gone. Brother didn’t realize how much love he had gained for Doodle while working together for so long. Brother didn’t realize how much Doodle actually meant to him until Doodle had passed away. Throughout the whole story brother was so focused on making Doodle ‘perfect’ that he didn’t pay attention to how special their times were together.

Questions from Reading ‘The Scarlet Ibis’

-What themes did you notice in the story?

-How did they affect you as a reader?

-Were you expecting the story to take a dark turn?

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